Hello! Welcome to All Things By Design (ATBD)! Here I will post new designs, freebies, and updates about ATBD. I will also be posting things that I love, including my family, Gluten Free food, DIY projects I attempt, and whatever else I feel like talking about! :)
My name is Amber Linn, and I am the owner of All Things By Design, which I will often refer to as ATBD, because, well, it's easier. :) I learned how to crochet about 6 years ago, but didn't really get into it, until I had my beautiful little girl, in the beginning of 2012. I was given several headbands for her, and realized that was the only real way to dress her up, as she would spit up or blowout of her outfits. I decided to look up crochet patterns for headbands, and I found a couple that I liked! I had a problem making them look good on my newborn, though.
The headband was...okay. The flower, however was a little on the large side. I thought it might work for photo props, but I wanted something she could wear any day of the week. I went through several patterns, and lots of trial and error. (Please excuse the poor quality of my photos. I am, by no means, a photographer...)
The headbands weren't awful, in fact, I sold a lot of them. I still wasn't 100% happy with the outcome. For various reasons I had to take, a leave of absence, if you will. I found out I am pregnant again! While I was in the weak stages of my first trimester, I was feeling quite unproductive. A couple of weeks ago I decided to take it up again, in an attempt to feel more productive. It started off slow, and ventured past headbands. It was still cold here in Utah, so I tried some hats.
I still wasn't ready to start things up again, but I started playing around with the designs a little. Those two hats are the same pattern, with a couple of my own tweaks. I decided to do that with some of the other patterns I liked, and it took a couple of weeks of experimenting with the designs of these patterns, but I finally got couple down that I really like! I won't be posting these until tomorrow, because I have one more last minute design I want to add to the spring line. Thank you for your patience, and thanks for reading! See you tomorrow!!! :)
~Amber Linn~