Thursday, March 21, 2013

More styles!

So, I know that I have posted about my headbands for three days in a row, now... Well, this is different. :) These new designs, (dramatic pause) I created them! Not learned a pattern and then tweaked it to my liking. I made these up! It may not seem like a big deal, but to me, it is! I have never thought of myself as a creative person, but this makes me feel it. :) Please let me know what you think! Remember to visit my Facebook page, All Things By Design! Thanks!

Here is  better view...

~Amber Linn~

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Line!

Hello everyone! It's finally here! My spring line is up on my Facebook page, and I can't wait to see what you think! I welcome all comments! Please remember: All pictures are examples of available designs. 

These headbands are meant to be custom made for your little one's personality! Feel free to create your own designs! Visit All Things By Design! If you like what you see, e-mail your order, and I will create the perfect headband for your little one! Thank you! Here's a sneak peek! ;)

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hello! Welcome to All Things By Design (ATBD)! Here I will post new designs, freebies, and updates about ATBD. I will also be posting things that I love, including my family, Gluten Free food, DIY projects I attempt, and whatever else I feel like talking about! :)

My name is Amber Linn, and I am the owner of All Things By Design, which I will often refer to as ATBD, because, well, it's easier. :) I learned how to crochet about 6 years ago, but didn't really get into it, until I had my beautiful little girl, in the beginning of 2012. I was given several headbands for her, and realized that was the only real way to dress her up, as she would spit up or blowout of her outfits. I decided to look up crochet patterns for headbands, and I found a couple that I liked! I had a problem making them look good on my newborn, though.

The headband was...okay. The flower, however was a little on the large side. I thought it might work for photo props, but I wanted something she could wear any day of the week. I went through several patterns, and lots of trial and error. (Please excuse the poor quality of my photos. I am, by no means, a photographer...)

The headbands weren't awful, in fact, I sold a lot of them. I still wasn't 100% happy with the outcome. For various reasons I had to take, a leave of absence, if you will. I found out I am pregnant again! While I was in the weak stages of my first trimester, I was feeling quite unproductive. A couple of weeks ago I decided to take it up again, in an attempt to feel more productive. It started off slow, and ventured past headbands. It was still cold here in Utah, so I tried some hats. 

I still wasn't ready to start things up again, but I started playing around with the designs  a little. Those two hats are the same pattern, with a couple of my own tweaks. I decided to do that with some of the other patterns I liked, and it took a couple of weeks of experimenting with the designs of these patterns, but I finally got couple down that I really like! I won't be posting these until tomorrow, because I have one more last minute design I want to add to the spring line. Thank you for your patience, and thanks for reading! See you tomorrow!!! :)

~Amber Linn~